Top 1000 Tracks ever
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Russian Circles - Gnosis (2022) - Vlastimil - 39:29
Duster - Together (2022) - New Directions - 12:20
William Basinski - Lamentations (2020) - The Wheel of Fortune - 52:35
Sprain - As Lost Through Collision (2020) - My Way Out - 43:48
Jóhann Jóhannsonn & Yair Elazar Glotman - Last and First Men (2020) - The Navigators - 43:54
Chat Pile - Remove Your Skin Please (2019) - Dallas Belt - 00:00
Teitanblood - The Baneful Choir (2019) - The Baneful Choir - 22:50
Kali Malone - The Sacrificial Code (2019) - Spectacle of Ritual - 17:20
Nusquama - Horizon Ontheemt (2019) - Eufrozyne - 07:38
Deaf Center - Low Distance (2019) - Gathering - 37:12
Drastus - La Croix de Sang (2019) - Constrictor Torrents - 14:04
Altarage - The Approaching Roar (2019) - Cyclopean Clash - 11:59
MSC - I Close My Mind and Lock It, Vol. 1 & 2 EP (2018) - Almost, Almost; Almost - 00:00
Daughters - You Won't Get What You Want (2018) - Guest House - 38:25
Maria W Horn - Kontrapoetik (2018) - Ångermanländska Bilder - 24:35
Puce Mary - The Drought (2018) - Fragments of a Lily - 08:35
Craft - White Noise and Black Metal (2018) - Yhvh's Shadow - 31:32
Abul Mogard - Above All Dreams (2018) - Quiet Dreams - 00:00
The Body - I Have Fought Against It... (2018) - Partly Alive - 01:33
Fister - No Spirit Within (2018) - Disgraced Possession - 15:20
LLNN - Deads (2018) - Armada - 31:40
Coilguns - Millennials (2018) - Deletionism - 24:47
Djevel - Blant Svarte Graner (2018) - Ger Er Ikke Spor Af Mennesker - 12:00
Circuit Des Yeux - Reaching for Indigo (2017) - Falling Blonde - 38:40
Hans Zimmer - Blade Runner 2049 OST (2017) - That's Why We Believe - 04:30
Perturbator - New Model (2017) - Tactical Precision Disarray - 07:13
Hammock - Mysterium (2017) - Mysterium - 54:50
Couch Slut - Contempt (2017) - Funeral Dyke - 11:46
Pact Infernal - Infernality (2017) - Rites of Passage - 12:22
Demen - Nektyr (2017) - Morgon - 09:16
Braveyoung - Misery and Pride (2017) - Wonderful - 45:20
Jeff Witscher - Mono No Aware V/A (2017) - Ok, American Medium - 50:00
Planning For Burial - Below The House (2017) - Whiskey and Wine - 12:39
Helen Money - Become Zero (2016) - Machine - 31:08
Palehorse - Looking Wet in Public (2016) - The Shower - 00:00
Plebeian Grandstand - False Highs, True Lows (2016) - Oculi Lac - 29:32
The Body - No One Deserves Happiness (2016) - Prescience - 04:16
Cantique Lépreux - Cendres Célestes (2016) - Tourments des Limbes Glacials - 00:00
Spektr - The Art to Disappear (2016) - That Day Will Definitely Come - 00:00
Roly Porter - Third Law (2016) - Mass - 12:02
Rafael Anton Irisarri - A Fragile Geography (2015) - Empire Systems - 09:00
Abul Mogard - Circular Forms (2015) - Half Light of Dawn - 21:11
Chaos Echoes - Transient (2015) - Kyorakushugi - 00:00
JK Flesh - Posthuman (2015) - Earthmover - 23:53
Fórn - The Departure of Consciousness (2015) - Gates of The Astral Plane - 38:09
Thou - Heathen (2014) - Free Will - 50:48
Mika Vainio - Kilo (2013) - Load - 14:49
Hivelords - Cavern Apothecary (2013) - Atavus Lich - 12:46
Palehorse - Harm Starts Here (2013) - Skin Flick - 16:15
Anna Von Hausswolff - Ceremony (2013) - Epitaph of Theodor - 20:16
The Haxan Cloak - Excavation (2013) - Consumed - 00:00
Portal - Vexovoid (2013) - Curtain - 16:56
Black Boned Angel - The End (2013) - Part 3 - 42:30
Swans - The Seer (2012) - The Seer - 55:00
Cyclobe - Sulphur-Tarot-Garden (2012) - Tarot - 02:16
Pinkish Black - S/T (2012) - Fall Down - 05:34
Author & Punisher - Ursus Americanus (2017) - Below and Above You - 32:05
Russian Circles - Empros (2011) - 309 - 00:00
Bad Life - The Day You Die (2011) - Death Conversations - 22:10
The Body & Braveyoung - Nothing Passes (2011) - Song Two - 23:47
Omega Massif - Karpatia (2011) - Im Karst - 34:02
Helms Alee - Weatherhead (2011) - Music Box - 15:25
Barn Owl - Lost in the Glare (2011) - The Darkest Night Since 1683 - 32:35
Kreng - Grimoire (2011) - Wrak - 27:28
Snowman - Absence (2011) - Memory Lost - 07:16
This Will Destroy You - Tunnel Blanket (2011) - Communal Blood - 00:00
Aosoth - III - Violence & Variations (2011) - V - 35:03
Fovea Hex - Here is Where We Used to Sing (2011) - Play Another - 34:18
Indian - Guiltless (2011) - Guiltless - 14:03
Lantlôs - Lantlôs (2011) - Þinaz Andawlitjam - 12:15
Young And In The Way - I Am Not What I Am (2011) - That is Not Dead Which Can Eternal Lie - 00:00
Braveyoung - We Are Lonely Animals (2011) - And No Two Walked Together - 00:00
Terra Tenebrosa - The Tunnels (2011) - The Mourning Stars - 41:28
Earth - Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light I (2011) - Old Black - 50:03
Ekpyrosis - Untitled (2010) - Untitled VII - 59:20
Sailors With Wax Wings - S/T (2010) - And Clash and Clash of Hoof and Heel - 09:41
Necro Deathmort - Music of Bleak Origin (2010) - In Binary - 18:56
Castevet - Mounds of Ash (2010) - Red Star Sans Chastity - 05:57
Aluk Todolo - Finsternis (2010) - Premier Contact + Deuxieme Contact (Edit) - 00:00
Ural Umbo - S/T (2010) - Stumbling Upon Blood and Mercury - 00:00
Island - Island (2010) - Nadir - 04:23
Félix-Antoine Morin - Flying Sun (2010) - Mercredi - 01:34
Impetuous Ritual - Relentless Execution Of Ceremonial Excrescence (2009) - Elegy - 00:00
Krallice - Dimensional Bleedthrough (2009) - Aridity - 43:20
Converge - Axe To Fall (2009) - Damages - 39:20
Hjarnidaudi - PsykoStareVoid (2009) - Part II - 27:05
Latitudes - Agonist (2009) - Fluxes of The Woumb - 07:42
A Storm Of Light - Forgive Us For Our Trespasses (2009) - Amber Waves of Grey - 19:54
Planning For Burial - Leaving (2009) - Memories You'll Never Feel Again - 00:00
Bloody Panda - Summon (2009) - Gold - 40:04
Dark Castle - Spirited Migration (2009) - Awake In Sleep - 46:38
Sunn O))) - Monoliths and Dimensions (2009) - Big Church - 31:32
We Vs. Death - A Black House, A Coloured Home (2009) - Golden Medals - 00:00
Mastodon - Crack The Skye (2009) - Oblivion - 17:18
Supermachiner - Rust (2009) - By The Roadside - 30:55
Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta II (2009) - The Alcove of Angels (Vipassana) - 36:55
Tombs - Winter Hours (2009) - Gossamer - 30:38
Monno - Ghosts (2008) - Merule - 00:00
Mogwai - The Hawk is Howling (2008) - I'm Jim Morrison, I'm Dead - 17:01
Intronaut - Prehistoricisms (2008) - Sundial - 43:47
Mouth of the Architect - Quietly (2008) - Guilt and The Like - 00:00
Alexander Tucker - Portal (2008) - Another World - 08:08
The (Fallen) Black Deer - Requiem (2008) - Hidden - 49:04
Asva - What You Don't Know Is Frontier (2008) - I - 16:00
A Storm of Light - And We Wept The Black Ocean Within (2008) - Vast & Endless - 12:31
Fuck Buttons - Street Horrrsing (2008) - Okay, Let's Talk About Magic - 22:20
Have a Nice Life - Deathconsciousness (2008) - Earthmover - 50:12
The Ocean - Precambrian (2008) - Hadean - 19:55
Byla & Jarboe - Viscera 2007 (Re-issue 2018) - 06:41 - 00:00
Endstille - Endstilles Reich (2007) - Among Our Glorious Existence - 07:30
Khrom - The Haunting Presence (2007) - Lifeless Serenade - 27:08
Deathspell Omega - Fas-Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum (2007) - Obombration I & II - 57:48
James Blackshaw - The Cloud of Unknowing (2007) - The Cloud of Unknowing - 05:58
Abigor - Fractal Possession (2007) - Lair of Infinite Desperation - 12:11
Nadja - Guilted By The Sun (2007) - Part 1: Guilted - 30:48
Low - Drums and Guns (2007) - Dust - 42:36
Jesu - Conqueror (2007) - Conqueror - 24:29
Year of No Light - Nord (2006) - L'Angoisse Du Veilleur... - 35:27
Sparrows Swarm And Sing - O Shenandoah Mighty Death Will Find Me (2006) - Warm Blood Within (Part 2) - 36:45
This Will Destroy You - Young Mountain (2006) - There Are Some Remedies... - 43:35
Spektr - Near Death Experience (2006) - Whatever the Case May Be - 04:10
Hjarnidaudi - Pain:Noise:March (2006) - March - 00:00
Capricorns - Ruder Forms Survive (2005) - Exit Wargasmatron - 22:43
1349 - Hellfire (2005) - Hellfire - 42:15
Earth - Hex; Or Printing in the Infernal Method (2005) - Lens of Unrectified Night - :01:10:38
Lurker Of Chalice - Lurker Of Chalice (2005) - Wail - 11:50
Ulver - Blood Inside (2005) - Your Call + Operator - 40:36
Meshuggah - Catch Thirtythree (2005) - Entrapment - 51:13
Venetian Snares - Rossz Csillag Allat Szülelett (2005) - Galamb Egyedul + Szerencsétlen - 18:22
Isis - Panopticon (2004) - Altered Course - 45:16
Mastodon - Leviathan (2004) - Hearts Alive - 55:00
Old Man Gloom - Christmas (2004) - The Volcano - 49:44
Sunn O))) - White 2 (2004) - Hell-O)))-Ween - 39:59
Keep of Kalessin - Reclaim (2003) - IX - 17:20
Leviathan - The Tenth Sub Level of Suicide (2003) - He Whom Shadows Move Towards - 05:15
Atrium Carceri - Seishinbyouin (2003) - Hidden Crimes - 51:38
Cult Of Luna - The Beyond (2003) - Deliverance - 23:03
Shining - III - Angst (2002) - Mörda Dig Själv - 40:40
Meshuggah - Nothing (2002) - Spasm - 47:35
Craft - Terror Propaganda (2002) - 616 - 27:52
Murcof - Martes (2002) - Unisón - 58:36
The Microphones - The Glow Pt.2 (2001) - Instrumental - 06:25
Explosions In The Sky - Those Who Tell... Shall Live Forever (2001) - Have You Passed Through this Night? - 23:43
Converge - Jane Doe (2001) - Hell to Pay - 40:32
Maudlin Of The Well - Bath (2001) - They Aren't All Beautiful - 25:14
Neurosis - A Sun That Never Sets (2001) - From The Hill - 14:38
Cadaver Inc. - Discipline (2001) - Deliverance - 49:40
Old Man Gloom - Seminar II: The Holy Rites of Primitivism Regressionism (2001) - Hot Salvation - 27:32
Thorns - Thorns (2001) - Existence - 00:00
Dornenreich - Her von Welken Nächten (2001) - Eigenwach - 16:40
Immolation - Close to a World Below (2000) - Higher Coward - 51:22
Incantation - Infernal Storm (2000) - Sempiternal Pandemonium - 55:56
Behemoth - Satanica (1999) - Lam - 37:09
Satyricon - Rebel Extravaganza (1999) - Supersonic Journey - 29:05
Today is The Day - In The Eyes of God (1999) - Honor - 08:35
Emperor - IX Equilibrium (1999) - Of Blindness and Subsequent Seers - 45:24
Immortal - At The Heart of Winter (1999) - At The Heart of Winter - 45:25
Halo - Guattari (1999) - The Entwined - 09:16
Boris - Amplifier Worship (1998) - Huge 18:30
Beyond Dawn - Revelry (1998) - Phase To Phase - 18:55
Limbonic Art - In Abhorrence Dementia (1997) - A Venomous Kiss of Profane Grace - 52:23
Solefald - The Linear Scaffold (1997) - Jernlov - 36:41
Tartaros - Grand Psychotic Castle (1997) - Dark Red Light... - 40:33
Amber Asylum - The Natural Philosophy of Love (1997) - Looking Glass Reprise - 00:00
Emperor - Anthems of the Welkin at Dusk (1996) - Ensorcelled By Khaos - 37:45
Kampfar - Mellom Skogkledde Aaser (1997) - Valgalderkvad - 01:43:24
Enslaved - Eld (1997) - 793 (Slaget Om Lindisfarne) - 01:10:32
Ulver - Nattens Madrigal (1997) - VI - 01:57:02
Immortal - Blizzard Beasts (1997) - Mountains of Might - 02:02:30
Mortician - Hacked Up for Barbecue (1997) - Witches Coven - 16:54
Gorgoroth - Antichrist (1996) - Gorgoroth - 44:20
Deinonychus - The Weeping of a Thousand Years (1996) - The Gothic Statue - 19:12
Satyricon - Nemesis Divina (1996) - Mother North - 26:08
Elend - Les Tenebres Du Dehors (1996) - Dancing Under The Closed Eyes - 35:08
Arcana - Dark Age of Reason (1996) - Angel of Sorrow - 00:00
Burzum - Filosofem (1996) - Jesus' Tod - 01:01:57
Aghast - Hexerei im Zwielicht Der Finsternis (1995) - Sacrifice - 50:35
Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane (1995) - Night's Blood - 00:00
Mindrot - Dawning (1995) - Anguish - 23:37
Brujeria - Raza Odiada (1995) - Consejos Narcos - 48:42
Sinister - Hate (1995) - Awaiting The Absu - 25:38
Morbid Angel - Domination (1995) - Hatework - 19:54
Incantation - Mortal Throne of Nazarene (1994) - Nocturnal Dominium - 00:00
Napalm Death - Fear, Emptiness, Despair (1994) - More than Meets the Eye - 32:43
Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding (1994) - The Pick Axe Murders - 05:36
Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works Vol. II (1994) - #5 - 06:45
Eminenz - Exorial (1994) - Blasphemy + Outro - 58:53
Strid - Strid (1994) - Nattevandring - 11:31
Coil - Stolen & Contaminated Songs (1992) - Who'll Fall? - 54:34
Brutal Truth - Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses (1992) - Time - 10:55
Helmet - Meantime (1992) - Turned Out - 34:55
Obituary - The End Complete (1992) - I'm in Pain - 36:34
Lustmord - Heresy (1990) - Heresy Part 2 - 15:55
The Jesus Lizard - Head (1990) - My Own Urine - 12:33
Einstürzende Neubauten - Haus der Lüge (1989) - Haus der Lüge - 37:13
The Young Gods - L'Eau Rouge (1989) - Longue Route - 01:27:20
Band of Susans - Love Agenda (1989) - The Pursuit of Happiness - 01:19:33
My Bloody Valentine - Isn't Anything (1988) - Lose My Breath - 20:52
Bathory - Blood Fire Death (1988) - Odens Ride Over Nordland and A Fine Day to Die - 00:00
Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation (1988) - Silver Rocket - 01:15:49
Pixies - Surfer Rosa (1988) - Vamos - 01:11:29
No Means No - Small Parts Isolated and Destroyed (1988) - Victory - 01:03:40
Love and Rockets - Earth Sun Moon (1987) - The Light - 29:00
Dead Can Dance - Within The Realm Of a Dying Sun (1987) - Anywhere Out Of The World - 03:07
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds - Your Funeral... My Trial (1986) - The Carny - 03:36
Love & Rockets - Express (1986) - An American Dream - 02:41:19
Virgin Prunes - The Moon Looked Down and Laughed (1986) - Heaven - 02:29:18
The Wolfgang Press - Standing Up Straight (1986) - Hammer The Halo - 02:51:22
Love And Rockets - Seventh Dream of a Teenage Heaven (1985) - Saudade - 01:05:32
Clan Of Xymox - S/T (1985) - Cry in The Wind - 45:47
The Sisters Of Mercy - First Last and Always (1985) - Marian (Version) - 02:01:04
Killing Joke - Night Time (1985) - Love like Blood - 02:11:19
The Cure - Concert: The Cure Live (1984) - A Forest - 01:33:14
Scratch Acid - S/T (1984) - Owner's Lament - 47:41
Hüsker Dü - Zen Arcadde (1984) - I'll Never Forget You - 45:24
Echo & The Bunnymen - Ocean Rain (1984) - The Killing Moon - 01:17:27
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - From Her to Eternity (1984) - From Her To Eternity - 01:48:14
And Also The Trees - And Also The Trees (1984) - Shantell - 01:44:40
Butthole Surfers - Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac (1983) - Dum Dum - 41:40
Suicidal Tendencies - S/T (1983) - Institutionalized - 27:28
The Cramps - ... Off The Bone (1983) - Human Fly - 35:47
Sex Gang Children - Song and Legend (1983) - Into The Abyss - 01:14:54
The Southern Death Cult - S/T (1983) - False Faces - 01:08:06
Violent Femmes - S/T (1983) - Kiss Off - 24:38
Cocteau Twins - Garlands (1982) - But I'm Not - 57:37
Flipper - Album Generic Flipper (1981) - Life is Cheap - 10:35
The Sound - From the Lion's Mouth (1981) - Fatal Flaw - 53:07
This Heat - Deceit (1981) - Paper Hats - 38:27
The Gun Club - Fire of Love (1981) - Sex Beat - 21:54
Bauhaus - In The Flat Field (1980) - Stigmata Martyr - 27:49
Dead Kennedys - Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables (1980) - California Über Alles - 07:31
Joy Division - Closer (1980) - A Means to An End - 54:27
Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures (1979) - New Dawn Fades - 19:21
Throbbing Gristle - D.O.A. The Third and Final Report of Throbbing Gristle (1978) - Hamburger Lady - 11:47
This is an evolving selection of the top 1000 tracks in my collection. These are tracks that regardless of age, hype or relevance today, mean a lot to me as they represent markers in the timeline of my education in music.
It’s Top 1000. Having started posting these around when Covid started, I have now reached this milestone. Combining some highlights of 2024 with a ton of favourites used in previous mixes. Ambient and drone, wanted to stretch it to 3 hours, an uninterrupted sound trip from Porto to Lisbon, or London to Bristol, but server limitations and sh*t wont allow it. Here’s to a 2025 with peace and love.
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