#5 – Electronic Series – 18.05.20

Porto based composers and sound artists Rui Lima e Sérgio Martins fuse music compositions with performing art, theatre, cinema, documentaries and animation. Since meeting at the prestigious Soares dos Reis School of Arts in Porto back in 1997, they’ve been working together and collaborating with a vast range of visual and music artists.

This is a collection of music scores for Theatre and Installations, kindly gifted to me by the musicians back in 2016.

Mix Cover: Visual for “Amigos Imaginários” (Imaginary Friends), a film-performance directed by Rita Barbosa with music by Rui Lima and Sérgio Martins.

#3 – Electronic Series – 16.04.20

Riccardo Dillon Wanke – A collection of released and unreleased material. 2016.

Mix Cover: “i” album cover released by Mazagran.

This is a mix I put together back in 2016 from a selection of released and previously unreleased tracks, kindly sent to me by Riccardo Dillon Wanke for a first instance of mixes I did then. RDW lives and works in Lisbon. He is a Multi-instrumentalist and Composer and he explores classical, improvised and exploratory music, focused on the diffusion of contemporary art. He is particularly interested in digital and analog manipulation of sound and its use into musical compositions.