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Isolation Series (2020/21) – 15.03.21


Vincent Petitjean aka Dehn Sora is a prolific artist, art director and musician based in Paris. Known for his art gracing bands releases by Deathspell Omega, Blut Aus Nord, Amenra or Jarboe, he is also a gifted musician and producer behind dark ambient/ritual entity Treha Sektori and more recently black metal band Throane.

Artworks by Dehn Sora.

1. How was your introduction to music? does it run in the family? was it in school, a particular friend or concert?

I grew up in a semi-musical environment. My father use to listen a lot of music, especially modern jazz musicians. It wasn't cent per cent present, but I think there was always something in my ears, that developed my attraction to it. Since I am a child, I was digging music by myself, having possibility to borrow discs at my local library. So I was already in constant research.


2. Can you instantly name one album or song that is connected to a unique moment in your life? do you have many of those?

I'd say Miles Davis "Ascenseur pour l'échafaud" had a huge impact. My father used to listen to Marcus Miller and Miles Davis a lot. But it was mainly the "Tutu" album, wich I disliked. But in his playlist one day, he put this soundtrack, I was blown and asked him who it was. I was surprised it was Miles Davis. So I borrowed the disc. I think I have many of those moments, yes. Many albums and artists accompanied me. Whether it was to overcome a certain moment, or taken by surprise by something I wasn't expecting music wise. I felt the same the first time I played Darkthrone for example. This example comes to my mind. I was not ready for being overwhelmed by that much atmosphere.


3. Name one artist or band, living or dead, that influenced your music-making the most?

I'd say Magma had a strong impact, and still has. If I have an idea, I am still checking if Magma hasn't done it already, 30 years ago. It combines so many emotions, and a spirit of shooting at the stars when playing music, that leaves the terrestrial plan when making music. The way I conceive art in general was really influenced by this spirit. To remove yourself from this generalground and try to reach an other-wordly state.


4. Which is the one venue or place on earth you'd like to play? if you’d have complete freedom and budget how would you setup your dream live performance? your choice of guest musicians? which specific media involved (art installations, performance, film,...) ?

So many, it is hard to list. I'd love to play around a volcano during an eruption. Writing this because of what's happening in Iceland right now I think. But playing in nature itself, being humbled by the forces. It has this ceremonial feel, that I am always seeking. I'd invite performers to involve the body as much as we can, I'd invite all musician friends. There is a lot coming to my mind, would need a lifetime to achieve!


5. What is your favourite instrument of choice or piece of recording equipment? and why?

I'd say guitar is the main source of composition for me. I am a poor technical player, but I love to seek strange soundscapes, there are a million ways of playing the instrument. You can summon orchestral strings by playing it with a bow, having the feeling of being accompanied by playing with loops. I am far from feeling I have used it at even 1% of its potential.


6. Any artist or album that really blew you away in 2020?

A lot. Lets stick with GOLD, Insect Ark, Ulcerate, Rope Sect.

7. What are your views on the current state of extreme metal music? what’s your favourite band of the moment?

It's really rich, I am happy to see bands open to experiment, push the boundaries.
It's maybe less extreme music as in black and death metal for example, but Wolvennest blows my mind.


8. And your views on the rise of women in experimental music, mostly electronic... like for instance Pharmakon, Anna Von Hausswolff, Lingua Ignota or Moor Mother...? any favourite you’d like to share?

All the artists you quote are part of artists that blew me lately too. Especially Anna von Hausswolff, who made me cry with her live performance at Roadburn festival (2019, curated by Tomas Lindberg, leader of At The Gates). It is, of course, good to see these artists having a lot of support. Being a woman in a largely male environment can't be easy, I can only imagine. But their talent crushes those kinds of considerations. Likewise, Lingua Ignota is rising above the scene right now, in my opinion. I haven't seen so much power and involvement in her performances in years. A physical danger that is in your face, almost palpable.


9. What is your opinion on streaming platforms vs the physical record experience? do you still buy lots of records?

I will still be attached to physical format. I buy a lot of records, especially vinyl because of my attraction to artwork and packaging as a whole in an album. And I like to immerse myself in a greater scale. I spend most of my time behind a computer screen working, so taking a bit of distance from tech while listening to a record is another experience I like to have and it makes me feel good.


10. How did the Covid-19 pandemic impacted your life personally and how was it in creative terms and output? I guess you became more active as a visual artist than a musician?

Personally, it burned down personal projects and plans, as many suffered around the world. My daily job was impacted too. But fortunately, in contrary to many, I still have activity and less stress money wise regarding this. In terms of creative output, it didn't change a lot, except not being able to travel, which is a huge source of inspiration for me, as travelling gives me frustration mostly. But I feel I need a little break right now. Not because of the situation, but I have been working constantly since a few years, and feel it could be good to get a bit of distance to renew my work output.

Dehn Sora official website

Listen to Treha Sektori's track 'Severh Sehenh' from 2014, featured in MIX #51. and Throane's "Sortez Vos Lames, Que Nous Perdions Nos Poings" from 2016 album 'Derri​è​re​-​Nous, La Lumi​è​re', featured in MIX #145