
In light of these Covid circumstances, I was offered the gift of time. An abundance of time over the course of the first 6 months of Covid-19, with the forced lockdowns, to focus on the design and format of this website.

After many years of wanting to make my own online journal, a readily available resource, a sort of anthology of my favourite music, movies, books and whatever else that is dearest to me, and after countless web design concepts, sacrificing hours on end towards an ever-mutating code, I have finally conceded it was time to start posting. I got through the basics of WordPress and managed just enough to make this possible on my own.

This idea had many iterations and lives, just like a piece of software that is out but continuously tested and changed, many web domains were registered and loaded with test content, pieces of news that were news for 1 week until they weren’t, some album and movie reviews, unique events happening… while I was playing with the design side and foregoing the publish button. It felt like I would never get anywhere with it.

Living in London for nearly 20 years always served as inspiration for this very website, this one I am happy with now. Engaging with so many kindred souls, getting to know so much about the inner circle of the contemporary fashion and music scenes we inhabited. And a blog to document it all was always a fantastic idea, but the right design, and the code always pushed the finished product to “someday”.

First came Blogger and Livejournal in 1999, and by the time WordPress CSM was developed in 2003 I was already working on my own website with the ever fluid html. This first iteration was registered as todayistheday.co.uk. The name was in honor of the Nashville, Tennessee Experimental Noise/Metal band Today is the Day – fronted by the mercurial Steve Austin – such was the impact the 1997 release ‘Temple of The Morning Start’ had in me.
