This mix was originally put together in January 2003, together with Mix #1 – Top 20 Albums of the 80’s (UK). The idea of making mixes was back with a bang, some 15 years after the thrill of trading cassettes in high school. Digital was now entrenched in everything I did, so the time had come to rip all the cds and convert them to mp3s so I could feed the chunky Archos AV mp3 player station. Experimenting with Audacity and realising it featured crossover and fade in/out commands was the ticket to creating this and the #2 mix.
My feelings for the albums featured in these Top20’s haven’t changed. These are still the bands and the albums that I consider to be the most significant during these forming years. Most of them are among the very first records I ever heard and/or owned. They all relate to special moments during my growing pains, the unique 80’s, the parties and gigs, the girls, wanting to form a band, to influence others. This is why they are special, they were lived, experienced in the whole meaning of the word.