‘Pluto (The Gatekeeper) Part I: Exodus though the Frozen Wastes’ is a stunning ambient piece taken from ‘Wanderers: Astrology of the Nine’, a collaborative album by Mare Cognitum and Spectral Lore, exploring the often overwhelming sonic output of cosmic Black Metal. In this album released in 2020 it is easy to dismiss ambient tracks, but this is not an interlude, its a 11’29” opus.
I keep a solid interest in MMMD‘s music. The Greek duo may well be the kings of electronically generated low end, a digital answer to Sunn O)))’s well known and respected stack of sunn amp heads and exquisite pedal boards.
Old Man Gloom have been one of my favourite bands of the last 15 years. It gives me great joy to include as many tracks possible in quiet and not so quiet mixes and such is the case of  the intriguing ‘Something for the Mrs.’, just one of a growing number of OMG’s non metal tracks. It is also proof that Aaron Turner is a mind wanderer (Mamiffer may have something to do with it) as well as a cathartic noise genius.
It features a cryptic passage of a poem by Ernest Hemingway, the excerpt taken from the ‘Second Poem to Mary’ published by the Atlantic in 1965.
“In the next war we shall bury the dead in cellophane
The Host shall come packaged in every K ration
Every man shall be provided with a small but perfect
Archbishop Spellman, which shall be self-inflatable
(courtesy of Air Reduction – open close previous open close)
You don’t need to repeat this. There is not any ceremony any more
Everyone is gone and you say this out loud to yourself
You are alone at the time and the time now is always.
Always was a word you used in promises. It is valueless.
All officers, warrant officers and enlisted men will be provided
with a copy of their own true loves that they will never see again
and all these copies will be returnable through the proper channels…”